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for Inspiration.

Resources, tips and advice on living with asthma from experts who specialize in allergies, asthma and immunology can help you and your loved ones breathe easier. Find info for parents, kids, adults and seniors right here. You can also contact us to learn more about our asthma program.

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Whether you’re a child or a senior, a caregiver or an asthma warrior, the more you know about asthma, the more you can do to take control of it and improve your quality of life. Your doctor will always be an important resource. The information on this website may be helpful, too. We hope these resources inspire you to learn more about asthma so you can breathe easier and enjoy your life!




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Resources just for you


For Parents

Asthma is one of the most common diseases in children. It can cause wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness and coughing — especially at night and in the early morning. Although children with asthma have the disease all the time, attacks only happen when something bothers a child’s lungs.

There is no cure for asthma, but you can help children control it. When they know their triggers and follow their asthma action plan, they’ll breathe easier and get more out of life. Use these resources to discover more ways to help your child.

ASTHMA IN CHILDREN. Information from the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology website.

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ASTHMA IN INFANTS. Resources from the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America.

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ASTHMA MEDICATION IN CHILDREN. Resources from the Allergy & Asthma Network.

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FUN WAYS TO TEACH CHILDREN ABOUT ASTHMA. Resources from the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America.

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HELP YOUR CHILD GAIN CONTROL OVER ASTHMA. A downloadable brochure from the Environmental Protection Agency.

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For Adults

These general resources may be helpful to people with asthma of any age, as well as their caregivers:

ADULT-ONSET ASTHMA RESOURCES. Many people first develop asthma as children, but asthma symptoms can occur at any time in your life. Use these resources from the Global Allergy & Airways Patient Platform to learn more about adult-onset asthma and how to manage it.

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LUNG CANCER GROUP. The team at the Lung Cancer Group helps those affected by lung cancer with compassion and care. They offer a source of hope and empowerment to individuals with lung cancer and other asbestos-related diseases. Their primary focus is to provide accurate and helpful information, support, and resources to patients and their loved ones. They also help patients better understand their diagnosis, how to find treatment, and all options available to them.

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MEDICATION ASSISTANCE RESOURCES from the Allergy and Asthma Network.

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There are a variety of asthma symptom trackers available for iOS and Android. Here are some we like:

ASTHMAMD. Keep a diary of your asthma activity, medications and triggers, and share data with your clinician. Users can help researchers study trends in asthma attacks by opting in to securely send encrypted and anonymous data such as severity, time, date and location to a database managed by Google.

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ASTHMA STORYLINES. Track your daily asthma control with this app from the Allergy & Asthma Network. It includes medication and appointment reminders and a place to record questions for your healthcare provider. Keep an accurate, shareable record of your asthma between physician visits to help you collaborate on treatment strategies.

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CARE CLINIC ASTHMATRACKER. This app is another platform for patients seeking to monitor their condition more closely. It allows you to record inhaler use, medications and symptoms in a customizable diary and create graphs to share with your clinician.

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DAILY BREATH. DailyBreath provides a daily risk index based on weather and environmental exposure data. The app recommends preventive actions, tracks flare-ups, and features a crowdsourced map of symptoms. (Apple only)

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PLUME. This robust app allows the user to view up-to-date or forecast air quality conditions in their current location or in major cities globally. Dashboard graphs provide at-a-glance comparisons to the rest of your week, month and year in a given city, and curious users can drill down to data for specific irritants like fine particulate matter, ozone and nitrogen dioxide.

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PROPELLER. Propeller is an FDA-approved technology that allows patients to better understand and control their asthma by pairing a Bluetooth-enabled sensor clipped to their inhaler to a smartphone app. The Propeller app automatically records inhaler use data, offers a “Find My Inhaler” feature, and provides reminders and a daily forecast of humidity, temperature and air quality. (Google/Android)

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For Seniors

Most people with asthma identify their condition early in life, but asthma can develop in seniors, too. The symptoms are the same but can often be overlooked due to other health issues seniors may encounter.

For older adults, asthma can pose a serious threat, especially if you suffer from multiple health conditions. If you’re over the age of 65 and think you’ve developed asthma-like symptoms, schedule an appointment with a doctor. Find out more:

ASTHMA IN OLDER ADULTS FACT SHEET from the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. Learn the particularities of asthma presentation and treatment for seniors, which differ from other age groups.

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MEDICATION ASSISTANCE RESOURCES from the Allergy and Asthma Network.

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SENIOR CARE FLYER from the Marion County Public Health Department.



For a Healthy Home

Your home can affect your health. Tap into these resources that will help you remove dust, pests, moisture and other hazards so you and your loved ones can breathe free:

10 ELEMENTS OF A HEALTHY HOME. A safe, healthy, and climate-friendly home provides an environment where individuals and families can build, retain, and transfer wealth, create stability, and improve health outcomes.

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GREEN AND HEALTHY HOMES INITIATIVE. Addressing the housing-based causes of lead poisoning, asthma, injury, and energy inefficiency by creating homes that are healthy, safe, and resilient.

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8 PRINCIPLES FOR A HEALTHY HOME. A checklist from the Department of Housing and Urban Development to help ensure your home is clean and free of unseen irritants.

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CONTROLLING MOISTURE AND MOLD IN YOUR HOME. Tips from the Environmental Protection Agency.

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GREEN CLEANING CARDS. Did you know you can create your own green cleaning products? Download these recipes and resources you can print and keep in the kitchen.




CORONAVIRUS INFORMATION FOR INDIANA. Up-to-date information from the state of Indiana.

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INDIANA HEALTHY HOMES FACTSHEET. State-specific healthy homes info for Indiana from the National Center for Healthy Housing.

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PRINCIPLES OF A HEALTHY HOME. Guidelines from the National Center for Healthy Housing to provide a framework for describing the critical components of a healthy home.

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RODENT CONTROL COMPLAINT FORM. Report possible infestations in your neighborhood to Marion County.

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RODENT CONTROL IN YOUR HOME. The presence of rodents can trigger asthma attacks in children and adults. Learn how to spot signs of rodents and how to treat an infestation.

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SAFER CHOICE CERTIFIED PRODUCTS (EPA). Products that perform and contain ingredients that are safer for human health and the environment.

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WHAT IS A HEALTHY HOME? Video From the Indiana Healthy Homes Alliance.

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WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION HOUSING AND HEALTH GUIDELINES. Recommendations to promote healthy housing for a sustainable and equitable future, including infographics.

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More Helpful Info

Knowledge is power, especially if you’re an asthma warrior. Aspire to know — and keep on learning!


Use green cleaning products  and make it easier to breathe at home. 


Contact us about our asthma or healthy homes programs.