Your Plan Is
Your Power.
You can manage your asthma with medicines that help control and prevent your symptoms, including rescue medicines like inhalers. It also helps to avoid your triggers and live a healthy life. An asthma action plan puts all these pieces together. Work with your doctor to refine your plan, and put it to work for you.
Do you have an asthma action plan?
Create Your Plan NowCreate your asthma action plan.
Work with your allergy and immunology specialist, pulmonologist or primary care physician to create your plan, and have it with you as you move about your day, whether you’re at home, school, work, or the gym. If you’re in school, give a copy of your asthma action plan to your school nurse, coaches, and teachers. CREATE YOUR PLAN
Use breathing techniques.
There are multiple breathing techniques to help manage asthma. They help reduce your breathing rate and can increase how much air you take in with each breath, which can improve your lung capacity. WATCH VIDEO
Stay active.
Although exercise can be a trigger for asthma, you can be physically active and still control your asthma. First, talk to your doctor about the types of physical activities you’re able to do and include them in your asthma action plan. As you prepare for your workouts, be sure to follow your asthma action plan and have water and your rescue inhaler readily available. Some activities you may be able to do include, but are not limited to, bike rides, walking and swimming if the odor of chlorine in swimming pools isn’t an asthma trigger for you. If change in weather is a trigger for you, opt for an indoor workout at your home or gym facility. KNOW YOUR TRIGGERS
Create a healthy space.
Make changes to your environment to reduce triggers. These changes can be as simple as switching to allergen-free bedding, using trash cans with lids, and eliminating scented products such as perfumes, wall plug-ins and air fresheners. JOIN OUR ASTHMA PROGRAM
Find an allergy and immunology specialist.
Allergy and immunology specialists are specially trained to diagnose and treat asthma. They can help you take control of your asthma and breathe freely again. FIND A SPECIALIST NEAR YOU
Manage your meds.
Take your medication(s) as prescribed and instructed by your doctor, and take time to understand what they do. VIEW CHART
About Asthma Medications
You’ll breathe easier when you understand your medications and treatment plan. Brush up on these basics, and consult with your doctor. View a helpful respiratory treatment chart.
Prevention: Long-term medications help prevent asthma flare-ups. They may be steroids or non-steroids, and they aren’t addictive, even though you may take them over a long period of time. Most steroid medications are inhaled with an inhalerHand-held device that pushes out steroid mist or nebulizerElectronic device that turns liquid medication into a mist through a mask or mouthpiece, but they also come in pill form.
Rescue: Quick-relief medications offer relief during an asthma flare-up. They’re known as rescue medicines or inhaled bronchodilators Non-steroid medication inhaled for quick relief. The sole purpose of these medicines is to relieve the muscles and make it easier for air to move throughout the airways. Keep quick-relief medications with you at all times as you navigate your day-to-day activities.
Always consult with your doctor about which medications work best for you and how to properly use your medication devices. Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you’re not sure which medication to take and when or how to take it.
Just for Children
If you care for a child with asthma, these tips may help you manage both symptoms and medication.
Flu and germs: According to the CDC, infections within the airways due to influenza and colds are one of the most common asthma triggers among children. This is why flu shots are generally recommended for children who have asthma. Children are more likely to pass germs at play, and also frequently share germ-infested items such as toys and eating utensils. Take time to teach your child proper hygiene to minimize the spread of germs—especially considering new precautions related to COVID-19.
Inhalers: These devices include contents that are under pressure, so don’t allow children to keep inhalers for long periods of time, without supervision or around anything flammable.
Peak flow meters: One way to closely monitor your child’s condition is to use a peak flow meter. This tiny device is helpful in measuring how well air moves through your child’s airways. During an asthma flare-up, the airways in the lungs become narrow. Learn more about how to use and read a peak-flow meter.
Triggers: Keep track of your child’s triggers and when they tend to occur. Then take time to review the list with your child and check for understanding.